HealthcareBoard of DirectorsNonprofit MemberYouth Services
Since 1985, the Dream Factory of Greater Kansas City has remained dedicated to making dreams come true for critically or chronically ill children. As a 100 percent volunteer organization, granting dreams is our mission, smiling children is our vision. And in more than three decades, our devoted volunteers and generous business supporters have created thousands of smiles. We are proud to say that more than 85 percent of the funds raised or donated to the Greater Kansas City chapter of the Dream Factory remain right here, granting the dreams of deserving children in our community.
Our Mission ''To grant dreams to critically and chronically ill children from the ages of three through eighteen.'' • Create smiles on the faces of children who are either seriously or chronically ill • Promote a better family atmosphere during a time of great suffering • Involve the whole country in the pleasure of granting dreams to children in need of a little ray of sunshine in their lives • Locate children who are seriously or chronically ill and insure that their dreams come true • Raise the funds necessary to provide these dreams whenever the need arises, and never be forced to refuse any child’s request due to the lack of funds