PeacePathways, Inc.

PeacePathways, Inc.


Religion-RelatedBoard of DirectorsNonprofit Member

About Us

PeacePathways is a 501.c3 organization that was developed for the purpose of bringing together organizations and groups that are actively focused on the mission of peace and justice through programs and activities. PeacePathways provides oversight for the Peace Pavilion as one of our principal functions.

The Peace Pavilion is a unique interactive kid’s museum designed to teach the concepts of peace through creative, fun, child-centered learning activities. Every element in the museum is designed to empower visitors to incorporate peacemaking skills into their everyday lives. The museum houses more than 40 interactive exhibits that engage visitors in learning a variety of life skills such as self-acceptance and appreciation, communication, cooperation, conflict resolution, cultural appreciation, and planetary stewardship.


The Peace Pavilion
Peace for Me
Peace for Us
Peace for Everyone
Peace for the Planet