HopeKids Kansas City

HopeKids Kansas City


Youth ServicesNonprofit Member

About Us

HopeKids provides ongoing events, activities and a powerful, unique support community for families who have a child with cancer or some other life-threatening medical condition.


HopeKid during our Princess Fashion Show Event
All of our Volunteers and HopeKids during Princess Fashion Show Event
HopeKid with Volunteer climbing during Rock Climbing Event
HopeKids Family during HopeFlick Event to see the Taylor Swift concert film
HopeKids Cooking class event
HopeKids Family at a Royals game
HopeKids Family at a Sporting KC Game
HopeKids getting ready for Horseback riding event
HopeKids family at our Fall Festival at Alldredge Orchard
HopeKids Family at event
HopeKids family enjoying family time at Topgolf event
HopeKids family getting ready to watch the circus at T-Mobile Center
HopeKid at Horseback riding event
HopeKid and mom at Princess Event
HopeKids family at the circus at T-Mobile Center
HopeKid enjoying a day at the Ren Fest in KC

Printed courtesy of www.npconnect.org – Contact the Nonprofit Connect for more information.
1703 Wyandotte, Kansas City, MO 64108 – (816) 888-5600 – info@npconnect.org