community; grant; review
The Neighborhoods Rising Fund is a funding collaborative that annually provides one-year grants of up to $7,500, as well as two-year grants of up to $15,000 in split payments per year for high-impact, innovative community projects and neighborhood revitalization initiatives. Efforts help build stronger, more effective neighborhood organizations and community groups and benefit low- to moderate-income areas throughout the Greater Kansas City Metropolitan Area. Projects and initiatives should be documented as created by the community, which means vetted through inclusive, neighborhood-wide decision-making and resident-involvement processes. To date, selected projects and initiatives have ranged from public safety and cleanup initiatives to property and public space improvements, as well as identity-building and resource-sharing events.
Community Capital Fund is seeking Community Reviewers to provide feedback on submitted NRF applications. Community Reviewers are an important part of the process as they help CCF identify needs and projects trend sin the Metro Area. This is a 5-hour commitment over a two week period in April.
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